Medicinal Chemistry 2023


About Conference

The "23rd International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Design," which will take place in Vienna, Austria in July 06-07, 2023 is open to all researchers and thought leaders. This message is being sent on behalf of the Medicinal Chemistry 2023 organizing committee. All eligible applicants, including medicinal chemists, professors, directors/deans, associate professors, faculty, students, and post-medicinal chemistry researchers, are urged to submit applications.

Featured speakers, video presentations, banner introductions, and posters will all be included in Medicinal Chemistry 2023. There will also be oral communications from junior to postdoctoral scientists.

In light of this subject, the gathering strategy aims to facilitate discussion among general researchers from various fields of medicinal chemistry and drug development by giving a phase to the crucial examination of new planning, and to share the most recent developments in research discoveries and results in nearly all areas of therapeutic science.

Join us for the conference's two interesting days, during which you can learn about research and share your engagement through exhibits, all-hands meetings, feature meetings, oral and banner introductions, and much more

Conference Highlights